Monday, June 21, 2010

Monday Morning

I became this way out of my own will
What should we do now?
Although the rain stopped, the week continued on

The drawer handle is broken, and
The bed is holding me tightly

The sun comes through the window, a new beginning
It's different It's just Monday morning
Always repeating

It's like going down a spiral staircase and saying I'm making progress
Yesterday evening my vinyl umbrella was soaked with a raw, wet odor

Will I go into the sky and become a bird?
Will I bury my face and become stone?

The sun comes through the curtains, the light of morning is here, so
The future should be bright
We've been waiting for it

The sun comes through the window, a new beginning
It's different it's just Monday morning
The same thing repeating

What will begin today?
The morning light is here, so the future should be bright
We've been waiting for it

The sun comes through the window...

(Monday Morning song by Maaya Sakamoto)
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