Thursday, January 7, 2010

Consolidate Your Online Life with Cliqset

I found a great web service that consolidates your online life. It lets you share all of your online activities, such as social networks, blogs, bookmark & news services, music / video / photo services, and reviews.

cliqset logo lets you:
  • Share your content with family, and friends.
  • Discover new stuff from people around the web.
  • Discuss these things in real-time.
It supports a lot of popular services, such as Facebook, Friendster, Multiply, My Space, Plurk, Twitter, Blogger, Tumblr, Wordpress, Delicious, Digg, Blip.FM, Boxee, Flickr, Last.FM, and much, much more. Cliqset puts all of your online info into one neat timeline. Every entry can get a comment, be "liked", and get shared to others. Very nice!! (^-^)
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